Wiki Feature Requests

A request that contains a description and a short explanation about how it improves the wiki If you see a request without explanation that you support please help out by completing it! Requests wil...

Updated almost 5 years ago Edit Page Revisions

A request that contains a description and a short explanation about how it improves the wiki

If you see a request without explanation that you support please help out by completing it\!

Requests will be processed through an adoption process. Anyone may adopt a feature, request the necessary access and will be supported as best we can at this moment.

The list is sorted alphabetical. The order is not representative for the importance or acceptance of the suggestion.

Article Rating

Add a rating system which allows people to give feedback about the article.

This allows the wiki to more prominently feature well written and popular articles.

BP visualization

Code Snippets

Things like using an actor iterator, using an interface in C++, setting up GAS attributes, etc. It should act like a quick reference, template, or some quick reading for newcomers who want examples without reading an entire class.

Comments below articles

Add the ability to comment beneath articles, so that users can give feedback and spot mistakes in the article. Allows mistakes in the article to be fixed more quickly, and for users to give more detailed feedback than the rating system.

Should make it so that anyone can comment, but users cannot comment in a certain timeframe (e.g 1min after last comment) to prevent spam.

Double View / Toggling between BP and C++

Easy media integration/files usefully for “Add BP visualization” and others


Udemy Courses

Kind of like guides, but these can provide a simple tutorial, then have links scattered throughout that link to the wiki for extra reading.

Can increase publicity of the wiki and direct newcomers of UE4 to it

Version Toggling

Tagging topics with a version and allowing multiple articles behind one topic to easily navigate between different API versions.

This would improve the usability of the subreddit and help people navigate in the jungle of versions and changes that happened throughout the years.