Static Const, Make Const Versions of UE4 Types
Overview Dear Community, Using Constant versions of complex variable types can be useful, especially`` ``if`` ``these`` ``variables`` ``are`` ``used`` ``every`` ``tick`` ``but`` ``their`` ``values`...
Dear Community,
Using Constant versions of complex variable types can be useful,
especially`` ``if`` ``these`` ``variables`` ``are`` ``used`` ``every`` ``tick`` ``but`` ``their`` ``values`` ``never`` ``change
To make a Constant version of something like an FLinearColor or an FName you can do this:
static const FLinearColor Red;
static const FName HeadSocket;
// Copyright 1998-2013 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
#include "YourGameGame.h"
// AYourClass
//you declare the static const outside of any function, but make sure to include the YourClass:: part :)
const FName AYourClass::HeadSocket = FName("Head");
const FLinearColor AYourClass::Red = FLinearColor(1,0,0,1);
AYourClass::AYourClass(const class FPostConstructInitializeProperties& PCIP)
: Super(PCIP)
Keep Global Namespace Clean
Make sure to specify your class context when you declare your static const variables!