Procedural Mesh Component in C++:Getting Started

The following is a brief guide to getting the experimental plugin "ProceduralMeshComponent" for procedural generation of meshes purely in C++. There doesn't seem to be any information any...

Updated almost 5 years ago Edit Page Revisions

The following is a brief guide to getting the experimental plugin "ProceduralMeshComponent" for procedural generation of meshes purely in C++. There doesn't seem to be any information anywhere, so I decided to put what I've done here in hopes others will extend it.

File: UProceduralMeshComponentGeneratedTriangle.png

I create a simple triangle using the UProceduralMeshComponent API, from there extending it should be easy. Once the class is compiled you can just drag it into your scene.

To use this component, include the paths in the build.cs file of your project:


PublicDependencyModuleNames.AddRange(new string[] { "Core", "CoreUObject", "Engine", "InputCore", "ProceduralMeshComponent" });

and in your .uproject file (MyProject.uproject) in case you work on a project:

    "AdditionalDependencies": [..., ..., "ProceduralMeshComponent"]

After 4.17, plugins can now depend on other plugins, so in case you are working on a plugin instead of a project, you will have to add this to your .uplugin file:

  "Modules": [
    "Plugins": [                       //