List of Key/Gamepad Input Names

Overview This page will detail the internal names used for various keys and gamepad bindings. These are used primarily in the DefaultInput.ini file, as shown in the example below (Taken from the fi...

Updated over 4 years ago Edit Page Revisions


This page will detail the internal names used for various keys and gamepad bindings. These are used primarily in the DefaultInput.ini file, as shown in the example below (Taken from the first person shooter template)

+ActionMappings=(ActionName="Jump", Key=SpaceBar)
+ActionMappings=(ActionName="Fire", Key=LeftMouseButton)

(Here, SpaceBar and LeftMouseButton are the internal names to bind to the spacebar and left mouse button respectively)

For the most part, these bindings will tend to be obvious (A-Z, F1-F12 etc) but some keys may have odd or different names, hence the purpose of this document. This list will also contain gamepad bindings and touch device bindings, which are internally interpreted as 'keys'.

This is a reference document and may not be fully up to date with the latest version of Unreal Engine 4.

For your most up to date list of these key names, look in the file: Engine\Source\Runtime\InputCore\Classes\InputCoreTypes.h

Key Name List



Character Keys

  • A
  • B
  • C
  • D
  • E
  • F
  • G
  • H
  • I
  • J
  • K
  • L
  • M
  • N
  • O
  • P
  • Q
  • R
  • S
  • T
  • U
  • V
  • W
  • X
  • Y
  • Z

Arrow keys

  • Left
  • Up
  • Right
  • Down


Numbers above the alphabet characters, below the functions keys on a traditional QWERTY keyboard'

  • Zero

  • One

  • Two

  • Three

  • Four

  • Five

  • Six

  • Seven

  • Eight

  • Nine

  • NumPadZero

  • NumPadOne

  • NumPadTwo

  • NumPadThree

  • NumPadFour

  • NumPadFive

  • NumPadSix

  • NumPadSeven

  • NumPadEight

  • NumPadNine

Num Pad

These are on the numpad, not the characters near the main alphabet typing area

  • Multiply

  • Add

  • Subtract

  • Decimal

  • Divide

  • BackSpace

  • Tab

  • Enter

  • Pause (The pause/break key on some keyboards)

  • NumLock

  • ScrollLock

  • CapsLock

  • Escape

  • SpaceBar

  • PageUp

  • PageDown

  • End

  • Home

  • Insert

  • Delete

Function Keys

  • F1
  • F2
  • F3
  • F4
  • F5
  • F6
  • F7
  • F8
  • F9
  • F10
  • F11
  • F12

Modifier Keys

  • LeftShift
  • RightShift
  • LeftControl
  • RightControl
  • LeftAlt
  • RightAlt
  • LeftCommand
  • RightCommand

Misc Keys

  • Semicolon
  • Equals
  • Comma
  • Underscore
  • Period
  • Slash
  • Tilde
  • LeftBracket
  • Backslash
  • RightBracket
  • Quote



  • MouseX

  • MouseY

  • MouseScrollUp

  • MouseScrollDown

  • MouseWheelSpin

Note: There is a comment in InputCoreTypes stating that the viewport clients use MouseScrollUp and MouseScrollDown while Slate uses MouseWheelSpin. Epic plan to merge these in the future.


  • LeftMouseButton
  • RightMouseButton
  • MiddleMouseButton
  • ThumbMouseButton
  • ThumbMouseButton2


  • Gamepad_LeftX

  • Gamepad_LeftY

  • Gamepad_RightX

  • Gamepad_RightY

  • Gamepad_LeftTriggerAxis

  • Gamepad_RightTriggerAxis

  • Gamepad_LeftThumbstick

  • Gamepad_RightThumbstick

  • Gamepad_Special_Left

  • Gamepad_Special_Right

  • Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom

  • Gamepad_FaceButton_Right

  • Gamepad_FaceButton_Left

  • Gamepad_FaceButton_Top

  • Gamepad_LeftShoulder

  • Gamepad_RightShoulder

  • Gamepad_LeftTrigger

  • Gamepad_RightTrigger

  • Gamepad_DPad_Up

  • Gamepad_DPad_Down

  • Gamepad_DPad_Right

  • Gamepad_DPad_Left

Virtual key codes used for input axis button press/release emulation

  • Gamepad_LeftStick_Up

  • Gamepad_LeftStick_Down

  • Gamepad_LeftStick_Right

  • Gamepad_LeftStick_Left

  • Gamepad_RightStick_Up

  • Gamepad_RightStick_Down

  • Gamepad_RightStick_Right

  • Gamepad_RightStick_Left

Touch Devices

  • Tilt

  • RotationRate

  • Gravity

  • Acceleration

  • Gesture_SwipeLeftRight

  • Gesture_SwipeUpDown

  • Gesture_TwoFingerSwipeLeftRight

  • Gesture_TwoFingerSwipeUpDown

  • Gesture_Pinch

  • Gesture_Flick

  • PS4_Special

  • Invalid

  • TouchKeys (Array - defaults to a size of '10' through the constant 'NUM_TOUCH_KEYS')