IOS Device Compatibility

This page is a place for the community to view and provide data on iOS devices that have run UE4. Please be sure to include the version of iOS for your device. Legend: LDR (TappyChicken) - Low Dyna...

Updated almost 5 years ago Edit Page Revisions

This page is a place for the community to view and provide data on iOS devices that have run UE4. Please be sure to include the version of iOS for your device.

LDR (TappyChicken) - Low Dynamic Range. The highest performance tier supported in UE4 and is recommended for games that do not require lighting or postprocessing features
Basic Lighting (StrategyGame) - Leverages static lighting and fully rough Materials to create levels with interesting lighting while maximizing performance to reach a broader range of mobile devices
Full HDR w/ Sun (SunTemple) - This tier is the same as the 'Full HDR' tier and has the same advantages and recommendations except that a single directional light is rendered at much higher quality

 For detailed information on the Rendering Features in the table, see our Performance`` ``Guidelines`` ``for`` ``Mobile`` ``Devices page.

Supported - Device passed basic compatibility testing and is expected to work, barring minor issues that may need to be fixed for certain features, or low performance
Expected - Device was not fully tested but the hardware is expected to be supported, barring any unique software/driver implementation

Customer Device List

Device | iOS version | LDR (Tappychicken) | Basic Lighting (StrategyGame) | Full HDR w/Sun (SunTemple) | UE4 Tested

-------------- | ----------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- | -------------------------- | ----------

Example Device | #.#.# | Supported? | Supported? | Supported? | 4.#

Epic Games Currently Tested Device List

Device | iOS version | LDR (Tappychicken) | Basic Lighting (StrategyGame) | Full HDR w/Sun (SunTemple) | UE4 Tested

----------- | ----------------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- | -------------------------- | ----------

iPad 3 | 7.0.4 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (60fps) | Supported (16fps) | 4.9

8 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (14fps) | 4.9 |

iPad 4 | 9.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (38fps) | Supported (35fps) | 4.9.1

iPad Air | 9.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (46fps) | Supported (37fps) | 4.9.1

7 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (46fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9 |

iPad Air 2 | * 9.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9.1

iPad Mini | 8.1 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (7fps) | 4.9

iPad Mini 2 | 7.1.2 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (46fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9

iPad Mini 3 | * 9.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (38fps) | Supported (49fps) | 4.9.1

iPhone 5 | 7.1.2 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9

iPhone 5C | 9.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (60fps) | Supported (35fps) | 4.9.1

iPhone 5S | 7.0 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9

iPhone 6 | 8.0.2 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9

iPhone 6+ | 8.3 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (30fps) | 4.9

iTouch 5 | 8.1 | Supported (60fps) | Supported (30fps) | Supported (16fps) | 4.9

Devices Tested In Previous Versions

Device | iOS version | LDR (Tappychicken) | Basic Lighting (StrategyGame) | Full HDR w/Sun (SunTemple) | UE4 Tested

----------- | ----------- | ------------------ | ----------------------------- | -------------------------- | ----------

iPad 2 | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

7 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

6.1.3 | Supported | Expected | Supported | 4.7 |

7.1.2 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

8 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPad 3 | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

6.1 | Supported | Expected | Supported | 4.7 |

iPad 4 | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

6.1.2 | Supported | Expected | Supported | 4.7 |

8.0 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPad Air | 8 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

iPad Mini | 7 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

6.1.2 | Supported | Expected | Supported | 4.7 |

8.0 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPad Mini 2 | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

iPhone 4 | 6.1.2 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

7 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

7.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPhone 4S | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

6.1.2 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

7 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

8 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPhone 5 | 8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

6.1.2 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

8 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPhone 5C | 7.0.4 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

7.1.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iPhone 5S | 7.1.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

8.1 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

iTouch 5 | 6.1.2 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7

8 | Supported | Supported | Supported | 4.7 |

* See OS Specific notes below

ÔÇá See Device Specific notes below

OS Specific Notes

iOS 9.0

Code projects packaged from a Mac hang on a black screen when the app is run on some tablet devices. This was reproduced on an iPad Air 2 and iPad Mini 3.