
Introduction GameplayStatics is a Blueprint/C++ function library with useful gameplay utility functions. The following groups should be broken into separate pages, as there is too much for this one...

Updated over 4 years ago Edit Page Revisions


GameplayStatics is a Blueprint/C++ function library with useful gameplay utility functions. The following groups should be broken into separate pages, as there is too much for this one master page.

Actor Functions

GameplayStatics functions involving Actors

Functions covered:

  • GetActorArrayAverageLocation
  • GetActorArrayBounds
  • GetActorOfClass
  • GetAllActorsOfClass
  • GetAllActorsWithInterface
  • GetAllActorsWithTag
  • GetAllActorsOfClassWithTag

Player Functions


Functions covered:

  • GetGameInstance
  • GetPlayerController
  • GetPlayerControllerFromID
  • GetPlayerPawn
  • GetPlayerCharacter
  • GetPlayerCameraManager
  • CreatePlayer
  • RemovePlayer
  • GetPlayerControllerID
  • SetPlayerControllerID

Level Streaming functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Level Streaming page

  • === LoadStreamLevel ===
  • === UnloadStreamLevel ===
  • === GetStreamingLevel ===
  • === FlushLevelStreaming ===
  • === CancelAsyncLoading ===
  • === OpenLevel ===
  • === GetCurrentLevelName ===

Global functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Global functions page

  • === GetGameMode ===
  • === GetGameState ===
  • === GetObjectClass ===
  • === GetGlobalTimeDilation ===
  • === SetGlobalTimeDilation ===
  • === SetGamePaused ===
  • === IsGamePaused ===
  • === SetForceDisableSplitscreen ===
  • === IsSplitscreenForceDisabled ===
  • === SetEnableWorldRendering ===
  • === GetEnableWorldRendering ===
  • === GetViewportMouseCaptureMode ===
  • === SetViewportMouseCaptureMode ===
  • === ApplyRadialDamage ===
  • === ApplyRadialDamageWithFalloff ===
  • === ApplyPointDamage ===
  • === ApplyDamage ===

Camera Functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Camera page


Particle Functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Particle page


SpawnEmitterAtLocation With back compatible versions for C++


Sound functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Sound page

  • === AreAnyListenersWithinRange ===
  • === SetGlobalPitchModulation ===
  • === SetGlobalListenerFocusParameters ===
  • === PlaySound2D ===
  • === SpawnSound2D ===
  • === CreateSound2D ===
  • === PlaySoundAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnSoundAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnSoundAttached ===
  • === PlayDialogue2D ===
  • === SpawnDialogue2D ===
  • === PlayDialogueAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnDialogueAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnDialogueAttached ===
  • === SpawnForceFeedbackAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnForceFeedbackAttached ===
  • === SetSubtitlesEnabled ===
  • === AreSubtitlesEnabled ===
  • === SetBaseSoundMix ===
  • === PrimeSound ===
  • === SetSoundMixClassOverride ===
  • === ClearSoundMixClassOverride ===
  • === PushSoundMixModifier ===
  • === PopSoundMixModifier ===
  • === ClearSoundMixModifiers ===
  • === ActivateReverbEffect ===
  • === DeactivateReverbEffect ===
  • === GetCurrentReverbEffect ===
  • === SetMaxAudioChannelsScaled ===
  • === GetMaxAudioChannelCount ===

Decal functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Decal page

  • === SpawnDecalAtLocation ===
  • === SpawnDecalAttached ===
  • === BreakHitResult ===
  • === MakeHitResult ===
  • === GetSurfaceType ===
  • === FindCollisionUV ===

Save Game functions

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Save Game page

  • === CreateSaveGameObject ===
  • === SaveGameToSlot ===
  • === DoesSaveGameExist ===
  • === LoadGameFromSlot ===
  • === DeleteGameInSlot ===
  • === GetWorldDeltaSeconds ===
  • === GetTimeSeconds ===
  • === GetUnpausedTimeSeconds ===
  • === GetRealTimeSeconds ===
  • === GetAudioTimeSeconds ===
  • === GetAccurateRealTime ===
  • === Cpp Only ===
  • ==== SaveGameToMemory ====
  • ==== SaveDataToSlot ====
  • ==== AsyncSaveGameToSlot ====
  • ==== LoadGameFromMemory ====
  • ==== LoadDataFromSlot ====
  • ==== AsyncLoadGameFromSlot ====
  • ==== StripSaveGameHeader ====

DVRStreaming API

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/DVRStreaming page

  • === EnableLiveStreaming ===
  • === GetPlatformName ===
  • === BlueprintSuggestProjectileVelocity ===
  • === PredictProjectilePath_ByObjectType ===
  • === PredictProjectilePath_ByTraceChannel ===
  • === PredictProjectilePath Advanced ===
  • === SuggestProjectileVelocity_CustomArc ===
  • === GetWorldOriginLocation ===
  • === SetWorldOriginLocation ===
  • === RebaseLocalOriginOntoZero ===
  • === RebaseZeroOriginOntoLocal ===
  • === GrassOverlappingSphereCount ===
  • === DeprojectScreenToWorld ===
  • === ProjectWorldToScreen ===
  • === GetViewProjectionMatrix ===

Utility functions for Options

TODO Make a GameplayStatics/Utility functions page

  • === GetKeyValue ===
  • === ParseOption ===
  • === HasOption ===
  • === GetIntOption ===
  • === HasLaunchOption ===