Data Validation

Overview of Data Validation & Validators

Updated over 1 year ago Edit Page Revisions


Data Validation allows developers to ensure that their assets meet certain criteria. These criteria are specific to the Data Validation ruleset, and a broad range of rules may be defined to help the development process, from enforcing naming conventions, ensuring fields are properly filled, enforcing limitations for size or performance, and more.

Data Validation allows developers to catch errors at design time or as part of a Continuous Integration System, rather than through testing or as bugs in production.

How to Perform Data Validation

Editor-Time Validation

Developers can use the Data Validation system in many ways.

Saving an Asset

The simplest way to validate an asset is simply by saving that asset. If the project has defined any Data Validation rules relevant to that asset, those rules will be run and determine if the asset passes, skips, or fails validation.

Manually Validation in Editor

Manual validation of a single or multiple assets can be done in the Editor.

Validate Assets
Validating assets can be done via the RMB context-menu when you have an asset or assets selected in the Content Browser.
RMB on Asset in Content Browser-> Asset Actions -> Validate Assets

Validate Assets and Dependencies
Validating assets and dependencies can be done via the RMB context-menu when you have an asset or assets selected in the Content Browser.
RMB on Asset in Content Browser -> Asset Actions -> Validate Assets and Dependencies

Validate Assets in Folder
Validating assets can be done via the RMB context-menu when you have a folder selected in the Content Browser.
RMB on Folder in Content Browser -> Validate Assets in Folder

Validate Assets Validating assets can be done via the Tools menu in the Editor menubar. Tools -> Validate Data image.png

Commandline Validation

Data Validation can be run via Commandline interface:

UnrealEditor-Cmd.exe <PROJECT_NAME>.uproject -run=DataValidation
  • The Data Validation system only runs C++ validation rules by default.
  • Developers can extend the Data Validation system to support Blueprint and Python validation rules.

How to Implement Data Validation

Coming soon.


Coming soon.


Coming soon.