
You will learn how to implement basic aiming for your Artificial Intelligence characters.

Updated over 3 years ago Edit Page Revisions


You'll learn how to implement basic aiming for your AI characters that do not require lot of math, only basic school knowledge on vectors and movement equations.

I wrote this tutorial with maximal clarity in mind. If you want to see main content, go to KINSOL library section.

Names of all entities (assets, variables, components) created during tutorial given in bold. Entities from FPS template have their names in italic.


You should be ready to get your hands dirty with some C++. Of course you'll need Visual Studio.

Though I'll indicate all necessary steps, but since you are here it would be more efficient to know about Behavior Trees and AI controllers.

Getting Started

Create new project (let's call it AIAiming hereupon) from Blueprint FPS template. Described here is UE 4.10, adjust values you'll stumble on in this tutorial if your template differs.

Setting up character

Make new folder AICharacter in Content Browser. Create three new assets there:

  • Blueprint Firer inherited from Character
  • Blueprint FirerController inherited from AIController
  • Behavior Tree FirerBehavior


Open Firer.

  • Set AI Controller Class to FirerController
  • Select Mesh (Inherited) component
    • Set Skeletal Mesh to SK_Mannequin_Arms
    • Set Anim Blueprint Class to FirstPerson_AnimBP
    • Set mesh location to (-0.51, -2.6, -155.71) and Z rotation to -10° (same values as in FirstPersonCharacter).
  • Add Skeletal Mesh Component Gun in Components list, grub it and attach to Mesh (Inherited).


  • Set Skeletal Mesh for Gun to SK_FPGun.
  • Setup following Construction Script (references to components are created by simple drug'n'drop from components list):


  • Create vector variable GunOffset with default value (100, 33, 10) (again copy-paste from FirstPersonCharacter)


Your character should look something like this:


  • Reproduce following Event Graph:


It's almost copy-paste from FirstPersonCharacter. We deleted input events, replaced mesh reference, replaced GetControlRotation with GetActorRotation and created custom event (RMB->Add Event->Add Custom Event...) FireProjectile.

Open FirerController

  • Setup following minimal Event Graph:


Fire behavior part 1

Open FirerBehavior. Create new Task, rename it to Fire and open for editing.


Create Target offset vector variable. It will specify offset from player character (it's pivot point if to be precise) location to point we want to hit. If for example our player mesh was full-blown humanoid mannequin, we would've liked to hit exactly in the head and Target offset would've specified vector from character's location to character mesh's head. Since we only have hands, we make our firer aim exactly at the camera. You can measure offset using ruler (middle mouse button):


In our case camera is perfectly aligned to pivot point except for Z coordinate, so Target offset will be:


Override Receive Execute and reproduce following graph:


It incomplete, but we will return to it when C++ part is ready.

C++ Hardcore

Go to File -> New C++ Class ... and select Blueprint Function Library as parent class. I named it FiringLibrary (banal to the end), but it doesn't really matter. Since it's first C++ class in our game, editor will take some time to create, build and open project for Visual Studio. For now just leave it there, we will return to it a bit later.

Minimal math

So how are we going to aim? Let's remember some school physics. Our target (possible offseted) current location is PT, and it moves with speed VT, so in t seconds it will be at

PT + VT * t.

(t is a variable, we'll have to compute it). Our projectile in t seconds will be at

PP + VP * t + g * t2 / 2

PP is a location where projectile will be created, VP - it's speed and g - gravity vector ((0, 0, -980) by default in UE4 because all lengths are in centimeters). We want for our projectile to meet target, so their locations should be equal:

PT + VT * t = PP + VP * t + g * t2 / 2


PT + VT * t - PP - VP * t - g * t2 / 2 = 0

It's a system of three nonlinear equations. If our firer stand in one place we have three variables:

  1. time t > 0
  2. -180 < yaw < 180
  3. -90 < pitch < 90

So you can go and solve it, arriving at general quartic equation (with sines and cosines!) and feeling the fear from it's general solution. You can try different approximations as this guy did, but I'm too lazy for such things and going to make computer solve it for me.

We don't really care for time ''t'', but it's computation is unavoidable consequence of current problem formulation. It's possible to get rid of it, but won't make problem easier.

KINSOL library

(I describe building process for Windows. Can't help poor souls with MacOS. Smarties with linux should be able to build everything themselves because hey, you've installed linux!)

KINSOL "is a solver for nonlinear algebraic systems". It is OSS released under a BSD license which means you only can't call their code yours. Download it (only KINSOL is needed. You will be asked for email but that's only a formality).

Install CMake (grub simpliest win32 exe installer, no need to go fancy). Make sure you checked the box "Add CMake to the system PATH" (for current user would be enough) during installation.

Create folder C:\path\to\your\project\AIAiming\ThirdParty\kinsol. We will install library here.

From archive you've downloaded erlier unpack whole folder *'kinsol-*version'' '''somewhere (precise location doesn't matter, you can delete folder after building). Create kinsol-build near it so you have structure:

some folder\

Everything ready, let's build this baby!

  • Run cmd (from Start of Win+R).
  • Enter command cd "C:\full\path\to\some foler\kinsol-build"
  • Enter command *'cmake-gui ..\kinsol-*version'' '''
  • Click Configure button in appeared window
  • Select Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64 from generator list


  • Do not panic because of all the red
  • BUILD_KINSOL and BUILD_STATIC_LIBS boxes must be checked, every else unchecked.
  • Change CMAKE_CONFIGURATION_TYPES value to Release
  • Change CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to C:\path\to\your\project\AIAiming\ThirdParty\kinsol
  • Change SUNDIALS_PRECISION to single (double is useless because all computations inside UE use floats)


  • Hit Generate button and close the window when done
  • There will appear several VS projects in kinsol-build, you need to open sundials solution
  • Build ALL_BUILD project.
  • Build INSTALL project

If all went well built libraries should appear with C++ headers in C:\path\to\your\project\AIAiming\ThirdParty\kinsol.

We don't need kinsol-build and *'kinsol-*version'' '''anymore, you can delete them.

Linking libraries to our project

(Huge gratitude to author of tutorial for linking)

Let's return to our game's project in Visual Studio. You can read article mentioned above to understand what's going on or simply open AIAiming.Build.cs, add following code to body of AIAiming class

    private string ModulePath
        get { return Path.GetDirectoryName(RulesCompiler.GetModuleFilename(this.GetType().Name)); }

    private string ThirdPartyPath
        get { return Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(ModulePath, "../../ThirdParty/")); }
    public bool LoadKinsol(TargetInfo Target)
        bool isLibrarySupported = false;

        if ((Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win64) 

 (Target.Platform == UnrealTargetPlatform.Win32))
            isLibrarySupported = true;
            string LibrariesPath = Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "kinsol", "lib");

            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(LibrariesPath, "sundials_kinsol.lib"));
            PublicAdditionalLibraries.Add(Path.Combine(LibrariesPath, "sundials_nvecserial.lib"));

        if (isLibrarySupported)
            // Include path
            PublicIncludePaths.Add(Path.Combine(ThirdPartyPath, "kinsol", "include"));

        Definitions.Add(string.Format("WITH_KINSOL_BINDING={0}", isLibrarySupported ? 1 : 0));

        return isLibrarySupported;

and following line to the end of AIAiming(TargetInfo Target) constructor


and following

using System.IO;


using UnrealBuildTool;

This code will tell the engine to link libraries during compilation.

Libraries built this way will only work for x64 builds of your game, but if you care it's likely you already know how to fix it.

Actuall C++ hardcore

OK. This time for real. Open header of your blueprint library and add following function declaration to your class:

UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, Category = "Ballistics")
static bool ComputeFiringRotation(const AActor* ''t''arget, const FVector& targetOffset, const AActor* firer, const FVector& gunOffset, float projectileSpeed, FRotator& firingRotation);

This function will try to solve equations. It will pass computed rotation to blueprint in firingRotation reference and boolean return value will indicate if computation was successful (it may be not).

Switch to FiringLibrary.cpp.

  • Add necessary includes:

  • Declare struct that will keep necessary data to compute equations

struct FiringData {

    FiringData(const AActor* ''t''arget,
               const AActor* firer, const FVector& gunOffset,
               float projectileSpeed)
        : targetLocation(target->GetActorLocation())
        , targetVelocity(target->GetVelocity())
        , firerLocation(firer->GetActorLocation())
        , gunOffset(gunOffset)
        , projectileSpeed(projectileSpeed)
        , g(FVector(0, 0, firer->GetWorld()->GetWorldSettings()->GetGravityZ()))

    FVector targetLocation;
    FVector targetVelocity;
    FVector firerLocation;
    FVector gunOffset;
    float projectileSpeed;
    FVector g;
  • Declare function that computes our equations (it will be called by KINSOL)
// x are current values of variables and library expect us to put equations' values in f
// userData is arbitrary data that we want to use in computations. 
// We have to specify it to library by calling KINSetUserData()
// In our case we specify userData to point at FiringData struct.
int F(N_Vector x, N_Vector f, void* userData) {
    float t = NV_Ith_S(x, 0);
    float yaw = NV_Ith_S(x, 1);
    float pitch = NV_Ith_S(x, 2);
    auto rotator = FRotator(pitch, yaw, 0);

    auto firingData = (FiringData*)userData;

    auto p1 = firingData->targetLocation + firingData->targetVelocity*t;
    auto projectileStartingLocation = firingData->firerLocation + rotator.RotateVector(firingData->gunOffset);
    auto projectileVelocity = rotator.RotateVector(FVector::ForwardVector * firingData->projectileSpeed);
    auto p2 = projectileStartingLocation + velocity * ''t'' + firingData->g * ''t'' * ''t'' / 2;
    auto eq = p1 - p2;
    NV_Ith_S(f, 0) = eq.X;
    NV_Ith_S(f, 1) = eq.Y;
    NV_Ith_S(f, 2) = eq.Z;

    return 0;

p1 is expected target location, p2 is expected projectile position. Computation of projectileStartingLocation and projectileVelocity follows from the way we spawn projectile. They are virtually the same as ones from Spawn projectile box in Firer.

Returning 0 indicates that computations went smooth. If something breaks during execution of your variant of function return non-zero value.

Finally all preparations done and we can write out the function we are here for:

bool UFiringLibrary::ComputeFiringRotation(const AActor* ''t''arget, const FVector& targetOffset, 
                 const AActor* firer, const FVector& gunOffset, 
                 float projectileSpeed, FRotator& firingRotation) {

    // Number of equations
    const int N = 3;

    // x is our initial guess on variables of equation.
    auto x = N_VNew_Serial(N);
    if (x == nullptr) return false;
    // I guessed projectile will hit target after one second.
    NV_Ith_S(x, 0) = 1; 
    // Guess for rotation is simply current firer rotation.
    NV_Ith_S(x, 1) = firer->GetActorRotation().Yaw;
    NV_Ith_S(x, 2) = firer->GetActorRotation().Pitch;
    // Scale of equations' variables. Scaling them may help with speed of solving,
    // but find solutions far from initial values.
    auto scale = N_VNew_Serial(N);
    if (scale == nullptr) return false;
    N_VConst_Serial(1, scale); // no scaling

    // Constraints on equations' variables
    auto constraints = N_VNew_Serial(N);
    if (constraints == nullptr) return false;

    // 0.0 means no constraints on variable
    // -1.0, 1.0 means = 0 constraints correspondingly
    // -2.0, 2.0 means < 0 or > 0 constraints correspondingly
    NV_Ith_S(constraints, 0) = 2.0f; // t > 0
    NV_Ith_S(constraints, 1) = 0; // no constraints on yaw
    NV_Ith_S(constraints, 2) = 0; // no constraints on pitch

    // handler for KINSOL library
    auto kinsolMemory = KINCreate();
    if (kinsolMemory == nullptr) return false;

    // setting pointer to userData for use in our F function
    FiringData firingData(target, targetOffset, firer, gunOffset, projectileSpeed);
    int flag = KINSetUserData(kinsolMemory, &firingData);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // setting up constraints
    flag = KINSetConstraints(kinsolMemory, constraints);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // We want our equations be this (1.0f) close to zeros. 1 cm is pretty good precision.
    flag = KINSetFuncNormTol(kinsolMemory, 1.0f);
    if (flag < 0) return false;
    // Stop if difference in consecutive values of variables this (1e-5f) small.
    flag = KINSetScaledStepTol(kinsolMemory, 1e-5f);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // specifying our equations' function
    flag = KINInit(kinsolMemory, F, x);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // initializing the simplest available solver
    flag = KINDense(kinsolMemory, N);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // little magic
    flag = KINSetMaxSetupCalls(kinsolMemory, 1);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // actually solving equations
    flag = KINSol(kinsolMemory, x, KIN_LINESEARCH, scale, scale);
    if (flag < 0) return false;

    // getting solution rotations
    firingRotation = FRotator(NV_Ith_S(x, 2), NV_Ith_S(x, 1), 0);

    bool success = false;
    switch (flag)
    case KIN_SUCCESS:
        // equations were successfully solved
        success = true;
        // algorithm finished correctly but no good solution were found


    // releasing memory

    return success;

Build project. We're done with code part.

Tying everything together

Fire behavior part 2

Complete our Fire task Event Graph:


Functionality is pretty straightforward - if necessary rotation was successfully computed we rotate our firer to it and emitting FireProjectile event. Projectile speed is taken from FirstPersonProjectile blueprint.

At last create following structure in FirerBehavior Behavior Tree:


You can now place our Firer character somewhere on the map and try out it's aiming:


Further improvements

The very first enhancement you should think about is gradual rotation. Right now our firer changes it's rotation instantly. But then you have to consider time required to rotate to given angles in equations.

After it you'll probably like to move your firer around, but then you'll have more variables than equations and it will no longer be system of equations solving problem, but an optimization problem. But you're lucky because there are a lot more optimization libraries than nonlinear equations solvers.