Anatomy of plugin

1 Architecture 1.1 Plugin Descriptor File A .uplugin file, which is a plain-text file that stores Plugin Descriptors in a JSON object. It will exist at the root directory of the Plugin. TODO - expa...

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1 Architecture

1.1 Plugin Descriptor File

A .uplugin file, which is a plain-text file that stores Plugin Descriptors in a JSON object. It will exist at the root directory of the Plugin.

TODO - expand

1.2 Modules

Plugins may contain one or more Modules, which are implemented by creating a class that inherits from


and overriding the '''


''' and '''


''' methods, etc. Each Module will exist in its own subfolder under the Plugin's "Source" folder. A Module may also act as a controller (in an MVC architecture) in which methods are implemented to perform actions. When a new Plugin is created, a Module will automatically be generated in the Plugin's "Source" folder and its generated folder and module will be given the same name as the Plugin, e.g.

The Module's path:


The Module's header file:


The Module's type name:


Listing 1 below shows the module header generated for a plugin from the Editor Toolbar Button template with the name MyEditorToolbarButton. Note that it does not contain a reflection header, i.e. *.generated.h

Listing 1: Generated Module from Editor Toolbar Button Template

// PackageButton.h
// Copyright 1998-2018 Epic Games, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

#pragma once

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Modules/ModuleManager.h"

class FToolBarBuilder;
class FMenuBuilder;

class FPackageButtonModule : public IModuleInterface

    /** IModuleInterface implementation */
    virtual void StartupModule() override;
    virtual void ShutdownModule() override;
    /** This function will be bound to Command. */
    void PluginButtonClicked();

    void AddToolbarExtension(FToolBarBuilder& Builder);
    void AddMenuExtension(FMenuBuilder& Builder);

    TSharedPtr PluginCommands;

The generated Module above also contains a variable for storing Commands, "PluginCommands". In the following sections, it will be discussed how the UI_COMMAND macro is used to create commands with CommandIds that may be mapped to methods defined in the module using the method:


The CommandIDs may also be assigned to UI Elements, such as a toolbar button or menu button, which will perform the action bound to the ID -- as opposed to binding the method to the UI element.

A Module is also used to Initialize its Style if it has one.

1.2.1 Module Descriptors

Name - TODO

Type - TODO

Loading Phase - TODO

1.2.2 Commands

TODO Command Class and Creation

TODO Command Registration

TODO Command Mapping

TODO Editor Keyboard Shortcuts


1.2.3 Style


1.2.4 Extenders and UI Extension Points


2 Plugin Editor Settings


3 Automation Scripts


4 Tools


5 Custom Editor Mode