
The wiki thrives off of its users and their contributions. Only with your help can we keep everything up to date and as useful as possible for everyone! How can you contribute Everyone is able to e...

Updated about 4 years ago

The wiki thrives off of its users and their contributions.

Only with your help can we keep everything up to date and as useful as possible for everyone!

How can you contribute

Everyone is able to edit and create pages! You don't need to sign up for an account either! Don't be afraid to start editing or creating a new page right now!

You can find out more about how to write wiki articles over here on the wikimedia formatting page and over here for your own style guide

If you're working on something that's not ready yet just leave it out of any categories and use the draft template by writing


In the beginning you might see that your page has been sent to the moderators for review. This is exclusively meant to prevent spam and malicious edits. We will approve every serious contribution usually within 24 hours. You can keep making changes to a page in the moderation queue. After 10 approved edits and 7 days after your registration you can avoid the moderation queue entirely.

Should you see outdated content, inappropriate behavior, technical issues or have feature requests check out this form!

If you have any questions about how you can help please come visit our wiki discord!

We're always happy to see new faces!