Memory Management

There are a few different memory management systems in UE4: garbage collection, smart pointers, and standard C++ memory management. Garbage Collection Garbage collection (GC) tracks UObject sub-cla...

Updated over 3 years ago

There are a few different memory management systems in UE4: garbage collection, smart pointers, and standard C++ memory management.

Garbage Collection

Garbage collection (GC) tracks


sub-classes, which include

[ AActor]


[ UActorComponent]


Objects are primarily kept alive in 3 ways:

  • By having a strong reference (
    ) to them (from objects that are also referenced)
  • By adding them to the list of
    void UObject::AddReferencedObjects(UObject* This, FReferenceCollector& Collector)
    (from objects that are also referenced)
  • By adding them to the root set with
    [ UObject::AddToRoot]
    (typically unnecessary)

When objects do not fulfill any of the above conditions, on the next GC cycle they will be marked as unreachable and garbage collected (destroyed).
To force the destruction of objects that are still reachable, you can call


on them, and it will force their destruction on the next GC cycle (you generally want to avoid doing this as that is what the garbage collection is for, and some classes, like




do not support it).
The destruction of an object doesn't necessarily all happen in the same frame, when garbage collection starts on it, it will first call


(do not call this yourself), then, when ready


The GC runs in the game thread so it won't ever run as your are accessing an object from the game thread.

While the most common way of keeping alive objects is through a


, actors and components work differently:
levels reference their actors and actors reference their components. Both work by overriding the

void UObject::AddReferencedObjects(UObject* This, FReferenceCollector& Collector)

implementation and collecting what they do not want to be garbage collected. This means that even if there are no strong references to actors and components with an owner, they won't be garbage collected until manually destroyed, or their level is unloaded.

The garbage collector will clear references to garbage collected objects in any of these cases[1]:

  • A raw pointer declared with
    (it will be set as nullptr)
  • In a
    compatible container, such as
    , or
    , if declared with
    (the affected element will be set as nullptr but not removed)
  • In a
    (the reference isn't exactly cleared in this case but calling
    will now return nullptr)

Anytime code references an


or a


, it has to deal with the possibility that


is called on the actor or


is called on the component. These functions will mark them for pending kill, thus triggering their garbage collection at the first chance it gets (note that destroying an actor also destroys all its component). Since the garbage collector automatically nulls out


pointers when it actually gets to destroy them, null-checking an actor or component pointer is sufficient to know it's safe to use, though you might also want to check


on them to avoid accessing them after they have been marked for destruction (


already checks for this when retrieving the raw pointer).

bool IsValid(const UObject* Test)

is a function that automatically checks if an object pointer is non-null and not pending kill.




are not related to the GC and should not be used for that purpose.

If you write your own non-garbage classes that references garbage collected objects, you may want to sub-class

[ FCObject]


Unreal Smart Pointer Library

The Unreal Smart Pointer Library is for code that is not based on the UObject system. It is similar in function to the C++11 standard library smart pointers. Unreal Smart Pointers cannot be used to reference UObjects, because the garbage collector isn't aware of smart pointers[2].

Further reading




  1. Unreal Object Handling | Automatic Updating of References
  2. Unreal Smart Pointer Library